Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wow ! It was The Morning After !

Google  As I awoke from my deep sleep I realized that I had awoke from another
spiritual dream. Yes, We have spiritual dreams. Many of our dreams reflect our everyday life but they also have a spiritual twist to them also. Let us not dismiss the psychology behind them because yes it is a factor.   When we sleep we create our world and when we awake we live what we have planned. As the wonderful saying goes " As Above So Below ".
   Hence we are Co- creators of our own world. Dreaming and daydream helps. Maintain focus and clarity so that your world can come into better focus. Take charge of your ship. Most important stay positive.
Positive thoughts create a Positive life. Negative thoughts create a Negative life.  Focus, Focus, Focus !
 That why in my past article I have mentioned meditation and breathing to help you build that skill. Life dose not have to be doom and gloom. That is such a Myth. That is one product I am returning to the store. Plus, I don't have room on my shelves anymore for that. The last time I bought that I had to redo my whole home and repaint it.
When I bought the positive product of JOY, LOVE, LAUGHTER, AND PASSION. Wow ! My whole home changed instantly. It became brighter and cleaner. I got rid of old things that did not serve me anymore. So I was able to bring in the new.  I was so Inspired and the Spark of life was reignited. Look at the picture that is how I felt Free. Give yourself the choice to be Free.

Til we Meet again.