Thursday, August 22, 2013

It Never Ends It Just Keeps Getting Better .....................

       Hope is never ending unless you cut it off to spite yourself well that is a other topic. You are already wondering why dose she always talk about these things? Dose she not have anything else better to do? Lately many of you just sit home in front of your computers, never get out anymore. Our generation has become the " New Shut In's". 

   That is Creepy! Have we forgotten the joy's of nature, fresh air, the crack of the baseball bat on the hardball, etc... . Come on seriously. The virtual world is your reality???? Don't you crave the human interaction of face to face conversation. I am tired of living inside like a shut in. I am perfectly healthy and so are all of you. When you are over 150 and you need to be inside sure I get it. Now what is the excuse. Even our children are following suit. That is even worse.

  I'm not even a couch potato I am a SHUT IN.  Do you Hear Me. We have created ourselves into a box of indwells.  We cross the street and pass each other by asleep not at the wheel at the smartphone. No wonder when people are in a mall they fall into the water fountains.

 Do You all get what I am saying??? Stop, Think, Observe yourself and check it out for yourself. 

Til We Meet Again