Do you feel tired ? Are you bored by what you are presently doing? Have you asked yourself Why am I here, What is my Purpose, Where Did I Come From ? Is their this feeling that you should be doing something else ? I got newes for you this is not uncommon. You don't have a cold, the flu, or a virus. What you are going through is a spiritual awakening.
Well they can be answered. What is happening is you are awakening to your Divine Nature. It is your Birthright to remember who you truly are. This means that your awareness is going to open up. Your five senses will become six. Yes like the movie " The Sixth Sense" but without Bruce Willis or Joel Osment along for the ride.
These gifts not are presents, special presents that are solely yours. No I don't mean Birthday presents that you unwrap. These you unwrap in a different way. For example; you may develop a stronger intuition, hearing, taste, feeling and smell. In order to understand them it is important to get training or study with a authentic professional.
These tools are valuable they need to be respected. Oh! By the way you can't buy them at Home Depot. These tools are the Key to the deeper knowledge of Understanding who you are. That is PRICELESS.
So today I will leave with this to think about. Be Free like these Horses.
Til Next Time