Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Sleepwalking while Awake

    The world is a very interesting place. It is constantly going through changes. However, there are still some " Sleepwalkers" out there who want to hold on to the past. 
   Change can only begin with Us as individuals. Yet the masses are Sleepwalkers stuck in the Matrix of illusion and being told that they need to told how to live. Those are Zombies. Intellectual Zombies, who live by rote memory and routine. 
  That is not Joy by any means or a way to live your life to your fullest potential. The elites want to keep us in mind chains. Do you get that visual. Like the notorious chip implant from fiction becoming reality. 
   Yet to bring this to more realistic terms. There are many so called " Spirtual teachers" who have not been vetted by you enough enough in the " New Age"  movement.
   Your search for truth is inside of you. Only highly trained people with a ligiete lineage and training; is what you should be seeking if you desire. Not a Charleton who will harm you. 
    Embrace and take care of yourself . I am only a observer sending you love and light.