December 20, 2009
Welcome! to the first installment of the journey. I want to start by disscussing boundries. It can be quite diffucult to set them but they are necessary. Especially when you have a type of work that calls for them. I can help a friend with do a intuitive reading but none the less many are under the impression that it is a job that is done for free. That is the misconception. Spiritual or not I take my work seriously.
Free is not in my vocabulary. I truly am selling that person short and myself by not charging. It is not a fair exchange. Sometimes we have to choose between friendship and service to the light. The light rules for me. So I will not sell my self short. Those who belive that they can take advantage of me is not happening anymore. My Job is just as important. I work to help humanity.
I take it quite seriously. If you cannot then don't associate with me and be my client not my friend. I work to help others move foward and become EMPOWERED. Once I give it away I am not helping anyone. So if you RESPECT ME then honor my space.
love & light,